Navigation for the ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework


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EXPAND Frame(scaling, width, height, color, outerColor, ready, assets, path, progress, ticker, rollover, touch, scrollTop, align, valign, canvasID, rollPerSecond, delay, canvasCheck, gpu, gpuObj, nextFrame, nextStage, allowDefault, loadFailObj, sensors, retina, mouseMoveOutside, captureMouse, shim, maxConnections, maxNum, singleTouch) EXPAND Pic(file, width, height, noCors, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Aud(file, volume, loop, loopCount, pan, offset, delay, interrupt, maxNum, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Vid(file, width, height, volume, loop, align, valign, type, style, group, inherit) EXPAND SVG(svg, width, height, bitmap, splitTypes, geometric, showControls, interactive, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Speech() EXPAND Fonts - loaded into Frame() EXPAND Keys - keyboard methods and events EXPAND Cursors - custom cursors EXPAND Tilt - device motion and orientation events EXPAND PermissionAsk(callback, permissionType, color, backgroundColor, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Colors - red, salmon, orange, green, pink, blue, brown, yellow, purple, interstellar, black, darker, licorice, dark, charcoal, grey, gray, granite, tin, pewter, silver, fog, mist, light, moon, lighter, white, faint, clear EXPAND Constants - FIT, FILL, FULL, LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, MIDDLE, START, END, TOP, BOTTOM, OVER, UNDER, HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, BOTH, RANDOM, RADIAL, UP, DOWN, NEXT, PREV, AUTO, DEFAULT, ALL, NONE, AVE, GET, POST, LOCALSTORAGE, SOCKET, TO, FROM, BOTH, SINE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, SAW, ZAP, IGNORE EXPAND Globals - F, S, W, H, M
-------------- BASE DISPLAY EXPAND Stage(canvasID, touch, singleTouch) EXPAND StageGL(canvasID, options, touch, singleTouch) EXPAND Container(a, b, c, d, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Shape(a, b, c, d, graphics, optimize, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Bitmap(image, width, height, left, top, scale, style, group, inherit) EXPAND SlicedBitmap(width, height, obj, slices, types, gap, scale, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Sprite(image, cols, rows, count, offsetX, offsetY, spacingX, spacingY, width, height, animations, json, id, globalControl, spriteSheet, label, frame, style, group, inherit) EXPAND MovieClip(mode, startPosition, loop, labels, style, group, inherit) EXPAND SVGContainer(svg, splitTypes, geometric, showControls, interactive, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Tag(width, height, id, frame, backgroundColor, padding, paddingH, paddingV, expand, style, group, inherit) -------------- SHADERS EXPAND Shader(width, height, fragment, uniforms, vertex, dynamic, preCall, postCall, rate, version, canvas, vertexPosition, strip, log, style, group, inherit) EXPAND ShaderOverlay(width, height, fragment, uniforms, vertex, dynamic, preCall, postCall, rate, version, canvas, vertexPosition, strip, log, style, group, inherit) EXPAND makeShader(DS, width, height, fragment, uniforms, vertex, dynamic, preCall, postCall, rate, version, canvas, vertexPosition, strip, log, tether) EXPAND Uniforms(obj) -------------- ZIM SHAPES EXPAND CustomShape(x, y, w, h) EXPAND Circle(radius, color, borderColor, borderWidth, dashed, percent, percentClose, percentArc, strokeObj, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Rectangle(width, height, color, borderColor, borderWidth, corner, dashed, strokeObj, scaleDimensions, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Triangle(a, b, c, color, borderColor, borderWidth, corner, center, adjust, dashed, strokeObj, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Poly(radius, sides, pointSize, color, borderColor, borderWidth, dashed, strokeObj, flat, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Line(length, thickness, color, startHead, endHead, dashed, strokeObj, lineType, lineOrientation, curveH, curveV, points, startLength, endLength, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Squiggle(color, thickness, points, length, controlLength, controlType, lockControlType, showControls, lockControls, handleSize, allowToggle, move, dashed, onTop, circleColor, circleBorderColor, stickColor, stickThickness, selectColor, selectPoints, editPoints, interactive, strokeObj, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Blob(color, borderColor, borderWidth, points, radius, controlLength, controlType, lockControlType, showControls, lockControls, handleSize, allowToggle, move, dashed, onTop, circleColor, circleBorderColor, stickColor, stickThickness, selectColor, selectPoints, editPoints, interactive, strokeObj, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Flare(color, borderColor, borderWidth, crossAngle, thickness, thicknessA, thicknessB, pin, startX, startY, lengths, angles, anglesA, anglesB, anglesEnd, cross, crossColors, close, dashed, strokeObj, spineColor, spineBorderWidth, spineBorderColor, spineDashed, spineStrokeObj, closeColor, closeBorderWidth, closeBorderColor, closeDashed, closeStrokeObj, style, group, inherit) EXPAND MultiFlare(flares, pins, angles, endToEnd, style, group, inherit) EXPAND FlareBox(width, height, color, borderColor, borderWidth, flares, corners, pins, style, group, inherit) -------------- COMPONENTS EXPAND Label(text, size, font, color, rollColor, shadowColor, shadowBlur, align, valign, bold, italic, variant, lineWidth, lineHeight, backing, outlineColor, outlineWidth, backgroundColor, backgroundBorderColor, backgroundBorderWidth, corner, backgroundDashed, padding, paddingH, paddingV, shiftH, shiftV, rollPersist, labelWidth, labelHeight, maxSize, splitWords, style, group, inherit) EXPAND LabelOnPath(label, path, percentAngle, percents, showPath, allowToggle, interactive, onTop, rtl, style, group, inherit) EXPAND LabelOnArc(label, size, font, color, radius, flip, spacing, letterSpacing, angles, showCircle, arcColor, arcBorderColor, arcBorderWidth, radiusSpread, rtl, style, group, inherit) EXPAND LabelLetters(label, align, valign, letterSpacing, letterSpacings, lineSpacing, lineSpacings, lineHeight, lineAlign, lineValign, cache, rtl, lineWidth, style, group, inherit) EXPAND LabelWords(label, width, size, font, color, backgroundColor, itemCache, itemRegX, itemRegY, spacingH, spacingV, wrapperType, align, valign, alignInner, valignInner, flip, reverse, bottomFull, colSize, rowSize, height, minSpreadNum, minStretchNum, percentVoidH, offsetVoidH, percentVoidV, offsetVoidV, minStretchFirst, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Emoji(code, size, monochrome, italic, backgroundColor, backgroundBorderColor, backgroundBorderWidth, corner, backing, padding, paddingH, paddingV, shiftH, shiftV, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Button(width, height, label, backgroundColor, rollBackgroundColor, downBackgroundColor, color, rollColor, downColor, borderColor, borderWidth, rollBorderColor, downBorderColor, backing, rollBacking, downBacking, icon, rollIcon, downIcon, corner, dashed, shadowColor, shadowBlur, gradient, gloss, align, valign, indent, indentH, indentV, hitPadding, autoPadding, autoPaddingH, autoPaddingV, rollPersist, toggle, toggleBackgroundColor, rollToggleBackgroundColor, downToggleBackgroundColor, toggleColor, rollToggleColor, downToggleColor, toggleBacking, rollToggleBacking, downToggleBacking, toggleIcon, rollToggleIcon, downToggleIcon, toggleEvent, wait, waitTime, waitBackgroundColor, rollWaitBackgroundColor, downWaitBackgroundColor, waitColor, rollWaitColor, downWaitColor, waitBacking, rollWaitBacking, downWaitBacking, waitIcon, rollWaitIcon, downWaitIcon, waitModal, waitEnabled, style, group, inherit) EXPAND CheckBox(size, label, startChecked, color, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, corner, margin, indicatorType, indicatorColor, tap, rtl, style, group, inherit) EXPAND RadioButtons(size, buttons, vertical, color, backgroundColor, spacing, margin, always, indicatorColor, index, rtl, selectedIndex, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Toggle(width, height, label, startToggled, backgroundColor, margin, indicatorType, indicatorColor, tap, toggleBackgroundColor, color, borderColor, borderWidth, corner, indicatorCorner, shadowColor, shadowBlur, time, labelLeft, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Tip(text, tipAlign, tipValign, margin, marginH, marginV, outside, target, delay, time, mouseClose, size, font, color, rollColor, shadowColor, shadowBlur, align, valign, lineWidth, lineHeight, backing, outlineColor, outlineWidth, backgroundColor, backgroundBorderColor, backgroundBorderWidth, corner, backgroundDashed, padding, paddingH, paddingV, shiftH, shiftV, rollPersist, labelWidth, labelHeight, maxSize, bold, italic, variant, splitWords, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Pane(content, backgroundColor, color, width, height, draggable, resets, modal, corner, backdropColor, shadowColor, shadowBlur, center, displayClose, backdropClose, backing, fadeTime, container, titleBar, titleBarColor, titleBarBackgroundColor, titleBarHeight, close, closeColor, autoPadding, autoPaddingH, autoPaddingV, keyboardAccess, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Panel(width, height, content, titleBar, titleBarColor, titleBarBackgroundColor, titleBarHeight, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, corner, close, closeColor, next, nextColor, extraButton, collapse, collapseColor, collapsed, align, shadowColor, shadowBlur, draggable, boundary, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Window(width, height, content, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, padding, corner, swipe, scrollBarActive, scrollBarDrag, scrollBarColor, scrollBarAlpha, scrollBarFade, scrollBarH, scrollBarV, slide, slideFactor, slideSnap, slideSnapDamp, interactive, shadowColor, shadowBlur, paddingH, paddingV, scrollWheel, damp, titleBar, titleBarColor, titleBarBackgroundColor, titleBarHeight, draggable, boundary, onTop, close, closeColor, cancelCurrentDrag, fullSize, fullSizeColor, resizeHandle, collapse, collapseColor, collapsed, optimize, resizeBoundary, resizeVisible, continuous, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Page(width, height, color, color2, angle, corner, pattern, scalePattern, cache, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Central(width, height, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Layer(width, height, titleBar, titleBarContainer, backgroundColor, rollBackgroundColor, selectedBackgroundColor, selectedRollBackgroundColor, color, rollColor, selectedColor, selectedRollColor, borderWidth, borderColor, dashed, transformObject, titleBarWidth, titleBarHeight, titleBarX, titleBarY, titleBarDraggable, close, closeColor, closeBackgroundColor, closeIndicatorColor, anchor, onTop, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Waiter(container, speed, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, corner, shadowColor, shadowBlur, fadeTime, style, group, inherit) EXPAND ProgressBar(barType, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, padding, label, color, labelPosition, percentage, corner, shadowColor, shadowBlur, backing, delay, fastClose, container, autoHide, width, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Indicator(width, height, num, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, backdropColor, corner, indicatorType, selectedIndicatorType, fill, scale, lightScale, interactive, shadowColor, shadowBlur, index, backgroundAlpha, selectedIndex, style, group, inherit) EXPAND TextInput(width, height, placeholder, text, size, font, color, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, maxLength, password, selectionColor, selectionAlpha, cursorColor, cursorSpeed, shadowColor, shadowBlur, align, corner, padding, paddingH, paddingV, shiftH, shiftV, scrollBarActive, scrollBarDrag, scrollBarColor, scrollBarAlpha, scrollBarFade, scrollBarH, scrollBarV, readOnly, inputType, rtl, uppercase, placeholderInstant, keyboardShift, style, group, inherit) EXPAND List(width, height, list, viewNum, vertical, currentSelected, align, valign, labelAlign, labelValign, labelIndent, labelIndentH, labelIndentV, indent, spacing, backgroundColor, rollBackgroundColor, downBackgroundColor, selectedBackgroundColor, selectedRollBackgroundColor, backdropColor, color, rollColor, downColor, selectedColor, selectedRollColor, borderColor, borderWidth, padding, corner, swipe, scrollBarActive, scrollBarDrag, scrollBarColor, scrollBarAlpha, scrollBarFade, scrollBarH, scrollBarV, scrollBarOverlay, slide, slideFactor, slideSnap, slideSnapDamp, shadowColor, shadowBlur, paddingH, paddingV, scrollWheel, damp, titleBar, titleBarColor, titleBarBackgroundColor, titleBarHeight, draggable, boundary, onTop, close, closeColor, collapse, collapseColor, collapsed, excludeCustomTap, organizer, checkBox, pulldown, clone, cancelCurrentDrag, index, noScale, pulldownToggle, optimize, keyEnabled, resizeHandle, resizeBoundary, resizeVisible, continuous, closeOthers, drop, dropTargets, dropSelf, dropCopy, dropColor, dropThickness, dropScrollSpeed, dropReticleAlpha, dropHitTest, dropFull, dropSnap, dropEnd, dropScale, dropWidth, dropHeight, selectedIndex, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Stepper(list, width, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, label, color, vertical, arrows, corner, shadowColor, shadowBlur, continuous, display, press, hold, holdDelay, holdSpeed, draggable, dragSensitivity, dragRange, stepperType, min, max, step, step2, arrows2, arrows2Scale, keyEnabled, keyArrows, rightForward, downForward, index, value, arrowColor, arrowScale, selectedIndex, currentValue, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Slider(min, max, step, button, barLength, barWidth, barColor, vertical, useTicks, tickColor, tickStep, semiTicks, tickScale, semiTickScale, accentSize, accentOffset, accentColor, accentBackgroundColor, accentDifference, sound, inside, keyArrows, keyArrowsStep, keyArrowsH, keyArrowsV, damp, value, expand, expandVertical, expandBar, expandBarVertical, useLabels, labelMargin, labelColor, range, rangeColor, rangeWidth, rangeMin, rangeMax, rangeAve, addZero, currentValue, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Selector(tile, borderColor, borderWidth, backgroundColor, corner, dashed, paddingH, paddingV, speed, diagonal, dim, multi, keyArrows, behind, resizeScale, index, liveIndex, selectedIndex, style, group, inherit); EXPAND Slicer(obj, objScale, slices, types, titleBar, remember, upload, selection, multiple, proportion, resize, style, group, inherit); EXPAND SlicerTypes(slicer, titleBar, sliceType, style, group, inherit); EXPAND Dial(min, max, step, width, backgroundColor, indicatorColor, indicatorScale, indicatorType, useTicks, innerTicks, tickColor, tickStep, semiTicks, tickScale, semiTickScale, innerCircle, innerScale, innerColor, inner2Color, accentSize, accentOffset, accentColor, accentBackgroundColor, accentDifference, sound, linear, gap, limit, keyArrows, keyArrowsStep, keyArrowsH, keyArrowsV, continuous, continuousMin, continuousMax, damp, value, useLabels, labelMargin, addZero, currentValue, style, group, inherit); EXPAND Tabs(width, height, tabs, backgroundColor, rollBackgroundColor, downBackgroundColor, selectedBackgroundColor, selectedRollBackgroundColor, color, rollColor, downColor, selectedColor, selectedRollColor, vertical, spacing, currentEnabled, currentSelected, corner, base, keyEnabled, gradient, gloss, backing, rollBacking, wait, waitTime, waitBackgroundColor, rollWaitBackgroundColor, waitColor, rollWaitColor, waitModal, waitEnabled, backdropColor, align, valign, labelAlign, labelValign, labelIndent, labelIndentH, labelIndentV, indent, useTap, excludeCustomTap, index, styleLabels, keyWrap, selectedIndex, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Pad(width, cols, rows, keys, backgroundColor, rollBackgroundColor, downBackgroundColor, selectedBackgroundColor, selectedRollBackgroundColor, color, rollColor, downColor, selectedColor, selectedRollColor, spacing, currentEnabled, currentSelected, corner, labelColor, gradient, gloss, backing, rollBacking, wait, waitTime, waitBackgroundColor, rollWaitBackgroundColor, waitColor, rollWaitColor, waitModal, waitEnabled, index, selectedIndex, style, group, inherit) EXPAND NumPad(advanced, titleBar, titleBarColor, titleBarBackgroundColor, titleBarHeight, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, corner, numberCorner, close, closeColor, collapse, collapseColor, collapsed, align, shadowColor, shadowBlur, draggable, boundary, style, group, inherit) EXPAND DPad(axis, width, backgroundColor, borderWidth, borderColor, indicatorColor, indicatorPressColor, indicatorScale, indicatorRadius, innerCircle, innerScale, activeRadius, clamp, logo, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Radial(labels, size, font, height, coreRadius, coreColor, startAngle, totalAngle, angles, flip, shiftV, icons, rollIcons, rotateIcons, iconsShiftVertical, backgroundColor, rollBackgroundColor, selectedBackgroundColor, selectedRollBackgroundColor, backdropColor, color, rollColor, selectedColor, selectedRollColor, borderColor, borderWidth, gradient, gap, gapAsAngle, spacing, spacingInner, spacingOuter, currentEnabled, currentSelected, index, selectedIndex, style, group, inherit) EXPAND RadialMenu(menu, size, font, height, coreRadius, coreColor, title, titleIcon, startAngle, totalAngle, flip, shiftRadial, rotateIcons, iconsShiftRadial, backgroundColor, rollBackgroundColor, selectedBackgroundColor, selectedRollBackgroundColor, backdropColor, color, rollColor, selectedColor, selectedRollColor, borderColor, borderWidth, gradient, gap, gapAsAngle, spacing, spacingInner, spacingOuter, currentEnabled, currentSelected, open, under, style, group, inherit) EXPAND ColorPicker(width, colors, cols, spacing, greyPicker, alphaPicker, startBackgroundColor, draggable, shadowColor, shadowBlur, buttonBar, circles, indicator, backgroundColor, keyArrows, container, index, selectedColor, dropperTarget, spectrumCollapse, spectrumMode, spectrumClose, spectrumOk, spectrumTitle, tolerancePicker, collapsed, selectedIndex, style, group, inherit) EXPAND EmojiPicker(width, height, emojis, monochrome, backgroundColor, titleBar, titleBarColor, titleBarBackgroundColor, titleBarHeight, cache, size, collapse, collapseColor, collapsed, colSize, rowSize, style, group, inherit) EXPAND TextEditor(width, color, backgroundColor, fieldColor, fieldHeight, textSize, sizeList, optionList, colorList, fontList, live, button, titleBar, titleBarColor, titleBarBackgroundColor, titleBarHeight, wrap, limit, scroll, placeholder, password, borderColor, borderWidth, margin, corner, shadowColor, shadowBlur, draggable, boundary, frame, fontListHeight, fontListViewNum, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Keyboard(labels, backgroundColor, color, shiftBackgroundColor, shiftHoldBackgroundColor, placeBackgroundColor, placeColor, cursorColor, shadeAlpha, borderColor, borderWidth, margin, corner, draggable, placeClose, shadowColor, shadowBlur, container, data, place, placeShiftH, placeShiftV, placeScale, special, rtl, hardKeyboard, layout, numPadScale, numPadDraggable, numPadOnly, numPadAdvanced, maxLength, numbersOnly, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Organizer(width, list, useAdd, useRemove, usePosition, autoAdd, autoRemove, autoPosition, addForward, removeForward, backgroundColor, rollBackgroundColor, selectedBackgroundColor, selectedRollBackgroundColor, color, rollColor, selectedColor, selectedRollColor, spacing, corner, keyEnabled, gradient, gloss, backdropColor, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Connectors(width, height, points, node, line, linear, linearWrap, linearOrder, num, snapH, snapV, dropType, dropArray, continuous, startIndex, duplicateLine, deleteNode, dblclick, fullMove, min, max, boundary, expand, nodeRollColor, nodeRollBorderColor, nodeSelectedColor, nodeSelectedBorderColor, baseColor, baseBorderColor, baseRollover, rootLock, grandChildren, dblclickTime, steps, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Marquee(width, height, items, time, transition, speed, direction, marginLeft, marginRight, marqueeType, borderColor, borderWidth, refresh, mix, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Carousel(items, viewNum, time, spacing, backgroundColor, backing, padding, paddingH, paddingV, arrowLeft, arrowRight, arrowGap, valign, ease, swipe, remember, index, continuous, selectedIndex, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Loader(width, height, label, type, backgroundColor, rollBackgroundColor, color, rollColor, borderColor, borderWidth, corner, shadowColor, shadowBlur, hitPadding, gradient, gloss, dashed, backing, rollBacking, rollPersist, icon, rollIcon, toggle, toggleBacking, rollToggleBacking, toggleIcon, rollToggleIcon, toggleEvent, frame, multiple, accept, style, group, inherit) EXPAND TextArea(width, height, placeholder, text, size, padding, color, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, corner, shadowColor, shadowBlur, dashed, id, readOnly, spellCheck, password, inputType, wrap, maxLength, frame, expand, keyboardShift, style, group, inherit)
-------------- BASE METHODS EXPAND obj.cache(width||x, height||y, null||width, null||height, scale, options, margin) EXPAND obj.updateCache(blendMode) EXPAND obj.uncache() EXPAND obj.on(type, listener, scope, once, data, useCapture) EXPAND, listener, useCapture) EXPAND obj.removeAllEventListeners(type) EXPAND obj.getBounds() EXPAND obj.setBounds(width||x||Boundary, height||y, null||width, null||height) EXPAND obj.localToGlobal(x, y) EXPAND obj.globalToLocal(x, y) EXPAND obj.localToLocal(x, y, target) EXPAND obj.clone(exact) EXPAND obj.dispose(disposing) -------------- ADDING AND REMOVING EXPAND obj.addTo(container, index, still) EXPAND obj.removeFrom(container) EXPAND obj.added(call, interval, maxTime) EXPAND obj.centerReg(container, index, add) EXPAND, index, add) EXPAND EXPAND obj.placeReg(id) -------------- SHORT CHAINABLE EXPAND obj.pos(x, y, horizontal, vertical, container, index, add, reg, regX, regY) EXPAND obj.loc(target|x, y, container, index, add, localToLocal) EXPAND, y) EXPAND, scaleY) EXPAND obj.alp(alpha) EXPAND obj.vis(visible) EXPAND obj.ble(blendMode) EXPAND obj.dye(color) EXPAND obj.hov(value, prop) EXPAND obj.rot(rotation, x, y) EXPAND obj.siz(width, height, only) EXPAND obj.ske(skewX, skewY) EXPAND obj.reg(regX, regY, still) EXPAND EXPAND EXPAND obj.ord(num) EXPAND obj.cur(type) EXPAND obj.sha(color||Shadow, offsetX, offsetY, blur)

obj.sha(color||Shadow, offsetX, offsetY, blur)
sha zim DisplayObject method DESCRIPTION Chainable function that sets the object's drop shadow to a CreateJS Shadow indirectly or directly EXAMPLE
// indirectly set the CreateJS Shadow
// with sha(color, offsetX, offsetY, blur)
const circle = new Circle(10, red).center().sha("rgba(0,0,0,.2)", 10, 5, 5);

// directly set the CreateJS Shadow
// with sha(new createjs.Shadow())
const shadow = new createjs.Shadow("rgba(0,0,0,.2)", 10, 5, 5);
const circle1 = new Circle(10, "pink").center().mov(-30).sha(shadow);
const circle2 = new Circle(10, "yellow").center().mov(30).sha(shadow);
PARAMETERS color||Shadow (default "rgba(0,0,0,.3)") the CSS color for the shadow - "red", dark, etc.    or pass a single parameter that is a CreateJS Shadow object    pass in -1 to remove a shadow - remember to S.update() offsetX (default .08 the width or 5 if no width) the distance in the x that the shadow is moved over - can be negatitve offsetY (default .08 the height or 5 if no height) the distance in the y that the shadow is moved over - can be negatitve blur (default .16 the width or 10 if no width) the distance the shadow is blurred RETURNS obj for chaining CLOSE ▲PAGE ▤CODE ▤VIDS
EXPAND obj.dep(depth) EXPAND obj.nam(name) -------------- INTERACTIONS, EFFECTS AND PHYSICS EXPAND obj.movement(call) EXPAND obj.noMovement() EXPAND obj.tap(call, distance, time, once, dbl, dblTime, call2, call3, call4, cursor, mobileUp) EXPAND obj.noTap() EXPAND obj.hold(call, distance, time, once) EXPAND obj.noHold() EXPAND obj.change(call, once) EXPAND obj.noChange() EXPAND obj.drag(boundary, axis, overCursor, dragCursor, all, swipe, localBoundary, onTop, surround, slide, slideFactor, slideSnap, slideSnapDamp, reg, removeTweens, startBounds, rect, currentTarget, offStage, immediateBoundary, singleTouch, dropTargets, dropCopy, dropSnap, dropBack, dropEnd, dropFull, dropHitTest, dropScale, dropWidth, dropHeight) EXPAND obj.noDrag(recursive) EXPAND obj.dragBoundary(boundary) EXPAND obj.mouse() EXPAND obj.noMouse() EXPAND obj.wire(target, prop, twoWay, setSource, filter, call, input) EXPAND obj.noWire(target, prop, input) EXPAND obj.wired(source, prop, twoWay, setSource, filter, call, input) EXPAND obj.noWired() EXPAND obj.bind(id, props, extra, filter, bindObj) EXPAND obj.noBind(props, removeConnectionData, call, bindObj) EXPAND obj.transform(move, stretchX, stretchY, scale, rotate, allowToggle, visible, onTop, showStretch, showRotate, showScale, showReg, showBorder, borderColor, borderWidth, dashed, customCursors, handleSize, regSize, snapDistance, snapRotation, cache, events, ghostColor, ghostWidth, ghostDashed, ghostHidden, frame, container, minScaleX, maxScaleX, minScaleY, maxScaleY, sliceX, sliceY) EXPAND obj.gesture(move, scale, rotate, boundary, minScale, maxScale, snapRotate, localBoundary, slide, slideFactor, regControl, onTop, surround, circularBounds, rect) EXPAND obj.noGesture(move, scale, rotate) EXPAND obj.gestureBoundary(boundary, new) EXPAND obj.effect(effect, x, y, width, height) EXPAND obj.updateEffects(redoChache) EXPAND obj.noEffect(effects, cache) EXPAND obj.addPhysics(dynamic, contract, shape, friction, linear, angular, density, bounciness, maskBits, categoryBits, physics, restitution, sensor) EXPAND obj.removePhysics() -------------- HIT TESTS EXPAND obj.hitTestPoint(x, y, boundsCheck) EXPAND obj.hitTestReg(other, boundsCheck) EXPAND obj.hitTestRect(other, num, boundsCheck, inside) EXPAND obj.hitTestCircle(other, num, boundsCheck, inside) EXPAND obj.hitTestCircleRect(other, margin) EXPAND obj.hitTestCircles(other, margin) EXPAND obj.hitTestBounds(other, margin, boundsShape) EXPAND obj.hitTestPath(other, num, showPoints, returnPoints) EXPAND obj.hitTestGrid(width, height, cols, rows, x, y, offsetX, offsetY, spacingX, spacingY, local, type) -------------- ANIMATE, WIGGLE, LOOP EXPAND obj.animate(props, time, ease, call, params, wait, waitedCall, waitedParams, loop, loopCount, loopWait, loopCall, loopParams, loopWaitCall, loopWaitParams, loopPick, rewind, rewindWait, rewindCall, rewindParams, rewindWaitCall, rewindWaitParams, rewindTime, rewindEase, startCall, startParams, animateCall, animateParams, sequence, sequenceCall, sequenceParams, sequenceReverse, sequenceRatio, ticker, cjsProps, css, protect, override, from, set, id, events, sequenceTarget, dynamic, drag, clamp, startPaused, clean, obj, seriesWait, sequenceWait, rate, pauseOnBlur, easeAmount, easeFrequency, timeUnit, timeCheck, noAnimateCall, pathDamp) EXPAND obj.stopAnimate(ids, toEnd) EXPAND obj.pauseAnimate(state, ids) EXPAND obj.wiggle(property, baseAmount, minAmount, maxAmount, minTime, maxTime, totalTime, type, ease, integer, id, startType, ticker, wait, pauseOnBlur, endOnStart) EXPAND obj.loop(call, reverse, interval, step, start, end, immediate, complete, completeParams) -------------- GENERAL EXPAND obj.scaleTo(boundObj, percentX, percentY, type, boundsOnly, simple) EXPAND, top, width, height, type) EXPAND obj.boundsToGlobal(rect, flip, inside, globalObj) EXPAND obj.resetBounds(width||boundsX, height||boundsY, null||width, null||height, margin) EXPAND obj.copyMatrix(source) EXPAND obj.duplicate(exact) EXPAND obj.expand(padding, paddingV, paddingRight, paddingBottom) EXPAND obj.setSwipe(swipe) EXPAND obj.setMask(mask, dynamic) EXPAND obj.outline(color, size, boundsOnly) EXPAND obj.blendmodes(time, basic)
EXPAND STYLE and Style() EXPAND PATH EXPAND TIME EXPAND TIMECHECK EXPAND DIR EXPAND SEEDRAND EXPAND SEEDRANDCOUNT EXPAND ANIMATE EXPAND OPTIMIZE EXPAND ACTIONEVENT EXPAND DEFAULTWIRE EXPAND KEYFOCUS EXPAND POSREG EXPAND DRAGALL EXPAND MOBILE EXPAND Ticker = {} -------------- PAGES, LAYOUT, ACCESSIBILITY EXPAND Pages(pages, transition, speed, transitionTable, holder, arrowDisableColor, continuous, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Arrow(backgroundColor, rollBackgroundColor, pages, direction, type, newPage, trans, speed, style, group, inherit) EXPAND HotSpot(obj, x, y, width, height, call, callOver, callOut, local, talk) EXPAND HotSpots(spots, local, mouseDowns) EXPAND Guide(obj, vertical, pixels, hideKey, pixelKey, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Grid(obj, color, pixels, hideKey, pixelKey, allowToggle, cache, numbers, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Wrapper(items, width, spacingH, spacingV, wrapperType, align, valign, alignInner, valignInner, flip, reverse, bottomFull, colSize, rowSize, height, minSpreadNum, minStretchNum, percentVoidH, offsetVoidH, percentVoidV, offsetVoidV, minStretchFirst, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Tile(obj, cols, rows, spacingH, spacingV, unique, width, height, squeezeH, squeezeV, colSize, rowSize, align, valign, count, mirrorH, mirrorV, snapToPixel, clone, events, exact, scaleToH, scaleToV, scaleToType, backgroundColor, backgroundPadding, backgroundPaddingH, backgroundPaddingV, backing, backdropColor, backdropPadding, backdropPaddingH, backdropPaddingV, mat, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Pack(width, height, items, spacingH, spacingV, flatten, direction, lock, backgroundColor, align, valign, lastAlign, paddingH, paddingV, dragOrder, dragColor, dragThickness, dragDashed, reverse, funnel, showPacking, order, container, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Beads(path, obj, count, angle, startPercent, endPercent, percents, onTop, showControls, visible, interactive, clone, group, style, inherit) EXPAND Layout(holder, regions, lastMargin, lastMarginMin, backgroundColor, vertical, showRegions, scalingObject, hideKey, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Accessibility(appName, tabOrder, tabIndex, cycle, decimals, frame, application, alwaysHighlight, AHTime, AHColor, AHBorderWidth, AHBorderPadding, AHAlpha, AHObject, AHObjectScale) -------------- 3D EXPAND TextureActive(width, height, color, color2, angle, borderColor, borderWidth, corner, interactive, animated, backingOrbit, pattern, scalePattern, style, group, inherit) EXPAND TextureActives(actives, threejs, zimThree, renderer, scene, camera, controls, layers, near, far, ignoreList, toggleKey, color, outerColor, damp, style, group, inherit) EXPAND TextureActivesManager(stage, toggleKey, damp) -------------- MANAGERS EXPAND Manager() EXPAND ResizeManager() EXPAND TransformManager(objects, persistID) EXPAND GuideManager() EXPAND GridManager() EXPAND LayoutManager() EXPAND SelectionSet(selections) EXPAND SelectionManager(sets, multipleKey, multipleSets) EXPAND Bind(connection, bindType, master, masterFilter, couple, smartDecimals, report, setDefault) -------------- CONTROLLERS EXPAND Swipe(obj, distance, duration, isometric, overrideNoSwipe) EXPAND Swiper(swipeOn, target, property, sensitivity, swiperType, min, max, damp, integer, factor, loop, pauseTime, otherSwiper) EXPAND MotionController(target, type, speed, axis, boundary, map, diagonal, damp, flip, orient, constant, firstPerson, turnSpeed, moveThreshold, stickThreshold, container, localBoundary, mouseMoveOutside, mousedownIncludes, minPercentSpeed, maxPercentSpeed, dampKeyup, rotate, mouseOutside) EXPAND GamePad() EXPAND Portal(obj, lands) EXPAND Physics(gravity, borders, scroll, frame) EXPAND TimeLine(objects, width, startPaused, barColor, buttonColor, themeColor, corner, ticks, damp, loop, noLoop, call, style, group, inherit) -------------- EFFECTS EXPAND BlurEffect(blurX, blurY, quality, style, group, inherit) EXPAND GlowEffect(color, alpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, inner, knockout, hideObject, style, group, inherit) EXPAND ShadowEffect(distance, angle, color, alpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, inner, knockout, hideObject, style, group, inherit) EXPAND ThresholdEffect(redValue, greenValue, blueValue, passColor, failColor, style, group, inherit) EXPAND ColorEffect(redMultiplier, greenMultiplier, blueMultiplier, alphaMultiplier, redOffset, greenOffset, blueOffset, alphaOffset, style, group, inherit) EXPAND MultiEffect(hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, style, group, inherit) EXPAND AlphaEffect(mask, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Pixel(obj, amount, amountY, blur, dynamic, blendmode, boundary, expand, amountFactor, blurFactor, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Parallax(layers, damp, auto, stage, startPaused, mouseMoveOutside, clamp) EXPAND Flipper(front, back, interactive, time, vertical, flipped, ease, frontPress, backPress, reverse, continuous, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Book(width, height, pages, startPage, rollUp, radius, backgroundColor, arrows, handleHTML) EXPAND Scrambler(tile, keys, keyProperty, scramble, time, wait, num, shadowColor, shadowBlur, swap, swapLock, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Scroller(backing, speed, direction, horizontal, gapFix, stage, container, backing2, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Dynamo(sprite, speed, label, startFrame, endFrame, update, reversible, flip, flipVertical, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Accelerator(objects) EXPAND Emitter(obj, width, height, interval, num, life, fade, shrink, warm, decayTime, decayStart, trace, traceFadeTime, traceShiftX, traceShiftY, angle, force, gravity, wind, layers, animation, random, horizontal, vertical, sink, sinkForce, cache, events, startPaused, pool, poolMin, particles, focusWarm, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Generator(color, strokeColor, strokeWidth, draw, stamp, setup, maxCount, boundary, drawCount, drawPause, drawSpacebarPause, startX, startY, cache, recordLinePoints, frame, seed, output, outputType, style, group, inherit) EXPAND Pen(size, color, penType, damp, spread, borderColor, borderWidth, end, paper, nib, cache, ctrlKey, cropScale, undo, undoKeys, move, onTop, deleteable, doubleClickDelete, holdDelete, immediateStop, lineAlpha, lineBlendMode, frame, dashed, pullColor, pullThickness, style, group, inherit) EXPAND SoundWave(num, input, include, smoothing, min, max, operation, baseline, magnify, reduce, adjust, channel) EXPAND Synth(volume, frequency) EXPAND VR(content, angle, distance, parallax, parallaxAngle, damp, parallaxDamp, startAngle, negativeParallax, borderMarkers, swiper, holder)
-------------- FEATURED EXPAND chop(obj, cols, rows, tile, margin, scale) EXPAND shuffle(array, different) EXPAND pluck(array, remove) EXPAND rand(a, b, integer, negative) EXPAND seedRandom(seed) EXPAND odds(percent) EXPAND rarity(weights, shuffle, zimColors, dynamicPayload) EXPAND repeats(array, total) EXPAND series(array|item1|obj, item2, item3) EXPAND loop(obj, call, reverse, interval, step, start, end, immediate, complete, completeParams) EXPAND getTIME(time, timeType, minWarning, maxWarning, noWarning) EXPAND timeout(time, call, pauseOnBlur, timeUnit) EXPAND interval(time, call, total, immediate, pauseOnBlur, timeUnit, complete, completeParams) EXPAND async(url, callback, callbackString, maxTime, maxCancel) EXPAND couple(json) EXPAND decouple(json) EXPAND convertColor(color, toColorType, alpha) EXPAND colorRange(color1, color2, ratio) EXPAND lighten(color, ratio) EXPAND darken(color, ratio) EXPAND toColor(color, targetColor, ratio) EXPAND toAlpha(color, alpha) EXPAND toBW(hex) EXPAND invertColor(hex) EXPAND zimEase(points, polynomials, convert, reverse, lockEnds) EXPAND spline(points, tension, close, shape, removeLast) EXPAND getPointAtPercent(x1, y1, x2, y2, percent) EXPAND pointAlongCurve(points, ratio, getAngle) EXPAND distanceAlongCurve(points) EXPAND closestPointAlongCurve(point, segmentPoints, num, interpolate, percentage) EXPAND transformPoints(points, transformType, amount, x, y) EXPAND trimEndPoints(points) EXPAND reversePoints(points) EXPAND appendPoints(original, points, controlType) EXPAND prependPoints(original, points, controlType) EXPAND splitPoints(points, index, trimEnds) EXPAND outlineImage(image, reverse) EXPAND simplifyPoints(points, tolerance, highestQuality, reverse, removeLast) EXPAND makeID(type, length, letterCase) EXPAND makeSyllable(length, firstVowel) EXPAND makePrimitive(obj) EXPAND makeMath() EXPAND swapProperties(property, objA, objB) EXPAND setProps(obj, props) EXPAND mobile(orientation) EXPAND vee(obj) EXPAND extend(subclass, superclass, override, prefix, prototype) -------------- BASICS EXPAND copy(obj, clone, cloneContainers) EXPAND merge(objects) EXPAND sortObject(obj, property, reverse) EXPAND arraysEqual(a, b, strict) EXPAND arrayMinMax(arr) EXPAND isEmpty(obj) EXPAND isPick(obj) EXPAND isJSON(str) EXPAND parseJSON(str) EXPAND decimals(num, places, addZeros, addZerosBefore, includeZero, time) EXPAND countDecimals(num) EXPAND sign(num) EXPAND constrain(num, min, max, negative) EXPAND dist(a, b, c, d) EXPAND rectIntersect(a, b, margin) EXPAND boundsAroundPoints(points) EXPAND angle(a, b, c, d) EXPAND TAU, DEG, RAD, PHI EXPAND smoothStep(num, min, max) EXPAND unicodeToUTF(val) EXPAND capitalizeFirst(string) -------------- CLASSES EXPAND Ajax(master, couple, lock, unique) EXPAND Noise(seed) EXPAND Point(x, y, z, q, r, s, t, u, v, w) EXPAND Bezier(a, b, c, d) EXPAND Boundary(x|bounds, y, width, height) EXPAND GradientColor(colors, ratios|angle, x0, y0, x1, y1) EXPAND RadialColor(colors, ratios, x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1) EXPAND BitmapColor(image, repetition, matrix) EXPAND Damp(startValue, damp) EXPAND Proportion(baseMin, baseMax, targetMin, targetMax, factor, targetRound, clamp, clampMin, clampMax) EXPAND ProportionDamp(baseMin, baseMax, targetMin, targetMax, damp, factor, targetRound, clamp, clampMin, clampMax) EXPAND Dictionary(unique) EXPAND Hierarchy(input) EXPAND Pick(choices) -------------- CREATEJS CLASSES EXPAND createjs.BitmapData(width, height, transparent, fillColor) EXPAND createjs.BitmapDataChannel() EXPAND createjs.ColorTransform(redMultiplier, greenMultiplier, blueMultiplier, alphaMultiplier, redOffset, greenOffset, blueOffset, alphaOffset) -------------- HTML FUNCTIONS EXPAND scrollX(num, time) EXPAND scrollY(num, time) EXPAND windowWidth() EXPAND windowHeight() EXPAND browserZoom() EXPAND getQueryString(string) EXPAND swapHTML(idA, idB) EXPAND urlEncode(string) EXPAND urlDecode(string) EXPAND setCookie(name, value, days) EXPAND getCookie(name) EXPAND deleteCookie(name)
EXPAND zog(item1, item2, etc.) ~ log EXPAND zid(string) ~ id EXPAND zss(string) ~ css EXPAND zgo(url, target, width, height, fullscreen, modal) ~ go EXPAND zum(string) ~ num EXPAND zot(value) ~ not EXPAND zop(e) ~ stop EXPAND zil() ~ still EXPAND zet(selector, first) ~ set EXPAND zob(func, args, sig, scope) ~ object EXPAND zik(Array|function|object|Pick) ~ pick EXPAND zta(item1, item2, etc.) ~ table EXPAND zor(item1, item2, etc.) ~ or
EXPAND DISTILL EXPAND distill() EXPAND parseAudioSprite(audioSpriteData, outputAudioSprite) EXPAND previewAudioSprite(audioSpriteData, numLetters, frame) EXPAND svgToBitmap(svg, callback, width, height, params) EXPAND makeContent(content, maxWidth, color, scrollBar) EXPAND zimify(obj, a, b, c, d, list) EXPAND zimplify(exclude) EXPAND fastFrame(cjs, stage) EXPAND addWires(obj) EXPAND setBlurDetect() EXPAND ZIMONON EXPAND ZIMON = {} EXPAND Wonder(wid, client, app, notes, server) EXPAND VERSION EXPAND getLatestVersions(call) EXPAND PWA(call, label, backgroundColor, color, backdropColor, pane, noScale) EXPAND QR(url, color, backgroundColor, size, clickable, correctLevel) EXPAND GIF(file, width, height, startPaused) EXPAND Rive(width, height, src, stateMachines, artboard, animations, autoplay, layout, buffer, file, useOffscreenRenderer, enableRiveAssetCDN, shouldDisableRiveListeners, isTouchScrollEnabled, automaticallyHandleEvents, onLoad, onLoadError, onPlay, onPause, onStop, onLoop, onStateChange, onAdvance, assetLoader, canvas) EXPAND RiveListener(src, damp, canvas, wasm) EXPAND THEME()
EXPAND LeaderBoard(data, title, width, height, corner, backgroundColor, titleColor, colors, total, scoreWidth, scorePlaces, scoreZeros, spacing, arrows, borderColor, borderWidth, shadowColor, shadowBlur, reverse, allowZero, font, fontSize, nameShift, scoreShift, rankShift) EXPAND Meter(stage, vertical, horizontal, color, textColor, padding, decimals, alpha, skew) EXPAND Board(size, cols, rows, backgroundColor, rollBackgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, isometric, indicatorColor, indicatorBorderColor, indicatorBorderWidth, indicatorSize, indicatorType, arrows, arrowColor, arrowRollColor, swipe, info, labels, color, scaleMin, scaleMax, buffer) EXPAND Person(shirt, pants, head, outline, player, cache) EXPAND Orb(radius, color, color2, accentColor, accentColor2, flat, alpha, time, delay) EXPAND Tree() EXPAND Timer(time, step, colon, down, isometric, startPaused, size, font, color, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, align, valign, bold, italic, variant, width, height, decimals) EXPAND Scorer(score, isometric, size, font, color, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, align, valign, bold, italic, variant, width, height) EXPAND Dialog(width, height, words, dialogType, tailType, fill, size, font, color, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, align, valign, corner, shadowColor, shadowBlur, padding, paddingH, paddingV, shiftH, shiftV, slantLeft, slantRight, slantTop, slantBottom, tailH, tailV, tailShiftH, tailShiftV, tailShiftAngle, arrows, arrowsInside, arrowsFlip, index, selectedIndex)
EXPAND Three(width, height, color, cameraPosition, cameraLook, interactive, resize, frame, ortho, textureActive, colorSpace, colorManagement, legacyLights, throttle, lay, full, xr, VRButton, xrBufferScale, tag) EXPAND XRControllers(three, type, color, highlightColor, lineColor, lineLength, threshhold) EXPAND XRMovement(three, XRControllers, speed, acceleration, rotationSpeed, rotationAcceleration, hapticMax, verticalStrafe, radiusMax, threshhold, directionFix, boxMax, rotationAngle, rotationInterval) EXPAND XRTeleport(three, XRControllers, XRMovement, floor, offsetHeight, button, hand, markerColor, markerBlend, markerRadius)
EXPAND Socket(server, appName, roomName, maxPeople, fill, initObj)
EXPAND Cam(width, height, flip, facingMode, config) EXPAND CamMotion(obj, preview, smooth, damp, sensitivity, precision, period, colorFilter, colorSensitivity, mode, visualizerObj, visualizerColor, visualizerBaseColor, visualizerScale, visualizerBaseScale, guideH, guideV, randomize, cam, frame, facingMode, config) EXPAND CamCursor(cursor, preview, camMotion, radius, color, borderColor, borderWidth, stillColor, stillBorderColor, stillTime, colorFilter, colorSensitivity, cam, facingMode, config) EXPAND CamAlpha(cam, color) EXPAND CamControls(camMotion, close, collapse) EXPAND CamAsk(color, backgroundColor)
EXPAND makeShape(type, color, width, height) EXPAND makeIcon(type, color, scale, multi, multiAlpha, multiScale, multiX, multiY, skewX, skewY, backing) EXPAND makePattern(type, colors, size, cols, rows, spacingH, spacingV, interval, startPaused, backgroundColor, gradient, cache) EXPAND makePath() ** there is no makePath() - please read details