Navigation for the ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework

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ZIM Slicer - for n-slicing and 9-slicing - code creativity ZIM Rank Canvas with draggable List dragging and dropping from a list or into a list - code creativity ZIM AI Chat Bot ZIMjs - code creativity ZIM RIVE animation - integration for RiveApp animation interactive graphics embedded in ZIM - code creativity ZIM RIVE input - integration for RiveApp animation interactive graphics embedded in ZIM - code creativity ZIM RIVE listeners - integration for RiveApp animation interactive graphics embedded in ZIM -  code creativity ZIM RIVE - node access - integration for RiveApp animation interactive graphics embedded in ZIM - code creativity ZIM Outline Pictures with ZIM Blob and Apply Concave Physics with Box2D - code creativity Expand open ZIM List Accordion wtih toggle and collapse others when selecting new branches - code creativity ZIM Indicator now has selectedIndicatorType property to show a different DisplayObject - code creativity ZIM Pages now has continuous property to loop through pages - code creativity

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