Navigation for the ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework

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ZIM Forum - support and community for the ZIMjs JavaScript Canvas Frameworks - code creativity
Shaders on the 2D Canvas in ZIM - context2D - Fragment and Vertex Shaders converted from ShaderToy - code creativity ZIM Emitter Tool - to visualize particles - code creativity Normalize will create a ratio on each object in a container based on how comparitably close it is to a given property - code creativity Speech wraps the JavaScript Speech API so we can convert talking to strings - code creativity Threshold tool to replace colors that meet a threshold or do not meet a threshold - code creativity LabelWords will break up strings into word labels - like LabelLetters but for words - code creativity Aud now has a fade method to fade down or up volume - code creativity The ZIM Indicator can now use any Display Object as its lights - code creativity ObjectControls lets you manipulate any object individually in three.js - code creativity Percent Arc will make crescent shapes like moons with the percent parameter of a circle - code creativity Google Fonts can now be specified with gf_ in front of the font name - code creativity Slider now has range - code creativity