JavaScript 6
You can code ZIM with ES6 (JavaScript 6). See an EXAMPLE page.- const and let instead of var (or still use var)
- arrow functions: ()=>{} instead of function(){} (or still use function(){})
- `` for multiline strings and ${templating}
- let [a,b] = [7,9] destructuring
- the [...spread, operator]
- class, extend, super, get, set for OOP
- and more!


ES6 Modules can be imported for ZIM and helper libraries. See the IMPORT examples. (The imports include CreateJS as well.)
<script type="module"> // note the type="module" in the script tag above // alternatively, use script tags - see import zim from ""; new Frame(FIT, 1024, 768, light, dark, ready); function ready() { // put your code here new Circle(100, blue).center().drag(); } </script>
// USE ANY OF THESE (or combinations): // REGULAR import zim from ""; // GAME // for ZIM plus game module import zim from ""; // PHYSICS // for ZIM plus Box2D plus physics module and game module import zim from ""; // SOCKET // for plus socket module import zim from ""; // THREEJS // for ZIM plus three module and three.js // and OrbitControls, ObjectControls, FirstPersonControls, // PointerLockControls, and GLTFLoader import zim from ""; // CAM // for ZIM plus cam module import zim from ""; // PIZZAZZ // for ZIM plus pizzazz modules 1, 2, 3 import zim from ""; // MULTIPLE MODULES // for ZIM plus three plus pizzazz modules // the names at front do not matter - they just must be different import zim from ""; import piz from ""; // TEST // for unminified ZIM (better error messages) import zim from ""; // LOCAL // for local versions of a module add the .js extension import zim from "local/zim.js";