ZIM Kids Logo - pressing this will take you back to the main ZIM Kids site.

ZIM ZAPPS - fun apps for kids to make with JavaScript and ZIM Code
Bloob! Generative Art App on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Generative Art App
Roller Coaster on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
ZIM Coaster
Multiuser Shared Letters on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Multiuser Letters
Animated Face with Blob Bezier on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Talking Head
Generative Art on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Gangnam Donut
ZIM Generator
Pattern Game on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
A-HA Game
Animated drone with Sound Visualization on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Sound Visualization
teleporter data on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Teleporter Network
Async Data
Flutter Comparison ZIM and Dart with ZIM at 26% on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Flutter Comparison
ZIM at 26%
Animated bubbles on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Optical Illusion
Scroll Parallax like GSAP ScrollTrigger on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Scroll Parallax
100 Shapes with Tips on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
100 Shapes
ZIM Tip()
100 Starts including dynamic Lists on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
100 Stars
Dynamic Lists
VUE Comparison with ZIM at 40% on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
VUE Comparison
ZIM at 40%
Frankie is Loaded Halloween Card on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Frankie is Loaded!
Animated Blob Mask on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Blob Mask
42% the HTML
ZIM emitting Love on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
ZIM Emitter
Repetition with ZIM Tile on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
ZIM Tile
Holiday Advent-like Calendar and Countdown on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Advent Calendar
with Countdown
Ornament Decorator on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Ornament Decorator
Animated bubbles on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Summer Bubbles!
Bat Light on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Bat Light!
Emitter on Hello World Text on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Hello World Typos!
3D mobile gallery on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
3D Phone Gallery
Isometric Game of Life on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Game of Life
ZIM Overlay on HTML Page on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Splat GSAP Compare on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
GSAP Comparison
Cut and Paste on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Cut and Paste
Arrows following path on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Arrows on Path
Interactive Overlay
Star Wars Organizer on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Star Wars!
Generative Art Rings on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Gen Art
Hero data game on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Game with Data
Pegs - HTML SVG Comparison on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
SVG Comparison
Positioning on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Registration Points on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Registration Points
Color Sliders on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Color Sliders
Flutter Comparison on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Flip Flutter!
Comparison at 47%
Control my Heart on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Control my Heart 2
Dr Abstract Dancing on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Dr Abstract Dancing!
Puppet Blobs on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Puppet Blobs!
Generative Art on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Generative Art
Holiday Lights on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Holiday Lights!
Tree Puzzle on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Tree Puzzle
Radial Menu
Holiday Beads on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Happy Holidays!
With Beads
CreateJS Saucert Sprite Comparison on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Saucer Sprite
at 29% CreateJS
Controlled Simplex Noise on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Controlled Noise
Create on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
ZIM at half the size of GSAP3 on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Radial Menu on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Radial Menu
Letter Animation
Grim Reaper on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Grim Reaper
Path animation and trails on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Perspective Path
Emitter Trail
Multiple Select on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Code General
Multiple Select
Animation on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Ghoul Gate!
Pattern at 1% size of CSS on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
CSS Comparison
ZIM at 10% size
Drone Sound Game on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Drone Game
P5js Processing Comparison at 40% size on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
P5js Comparison
ZIM at 42% size
Soundscape on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Dr Abstract's Car
Animated Arrow Squiggle on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Animated Arrow
Five Lines of Code Blend Mode Tool on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Five Line
BlendMode Tool
Pinball with Sparkle Particle Emitter at 21 percent Vanilla code on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Pinball Sparkles
21% Vanilla
Color Game on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Color Game
Arrows with Pizzazz on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Pizzazz Arrows
Animated Blob on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Animated Blob
Op Art on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Op Art
Twitter App on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Tweet Doctor!
Web App
Trading Card on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Collector Card
Fibonacci Math Visualization on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Fibonacci Brain
Math Visual
Web App on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Syllable Creator
Web App
Physics Game featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Physics Game
zDog 3D Logo featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
3D Icon
with zDog
Pulldown Menu - Dat Gui - featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Pulldown Menu
PixiJS Comparison featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
React Comparison featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
React Comparison
with ZIM at 40%
CSS Animation Comparison featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
CSS Animation
Ice Cream Pizzazz featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Ice Cream
Detecting Colors on Path Game featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Color Detect
Rocket on Path Game featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Rocket on
Path Game
Zdog 3D with ZIM featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Zdog 3D
in ZIM
Tiles featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
ZIM greeting featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
ThreeJS Planet featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
3D Planet
Anti-grav Physics featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Blob with SVG featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
SVG Blob
PaperJS Comparison with drag on path featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Star Ship Alien Portal Game featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Star Ship
Alien Portal
Simple Op Art Moire on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Moire Patterns
Parallax Aliens featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Isometric Maze featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Polygons featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Animated Blob featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Dancing Blob!
Parallax Domes featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Parallax Domes
Dynamic Path Animation featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Jared Tarbell inspired Generative Art featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Tarbell Inspired
Polygons featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Poly Pen
Blobatar featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Data Visualization on the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Animated Pen featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Pen on Path
Pen within Bounds featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Pen in Bounds
Physics featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Apple Physics
Spark along Fuse featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Spark on Fuse
Animated Art featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Primary Prism
Path Animation featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Spider Web
Path Animation featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Ghostly Button
Squiggle to Blob featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Squiggle to Blob
Physics featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Score Board
Dynamic Sprite and Scroller featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Dynamo & Accelerator
Animated Sprite and Scroller featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Sprite & Scroller
Interactive Hand-drawn Maze made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Global to Local Coordinates featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Global and Local
Generative Art featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Generative Art
Shape Tween featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Shape Tween
Animate Blob featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Animated Blob
Kaleidoscope featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
VR Virtual Reality featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Virtual Reality
Depth Shifting
Layers featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Drag on Path featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Drag on Path
Animated Pen featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Animated Pen
Path Animation featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Path Animation
Styles featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Canvas Styles
Pages and HotSpots featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Pages and
Responsive Design 3 on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Design (3)
Responsive Design 2 on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Design (2)
Responsive Design 1 featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Design (1)
Noise featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Beautiful Noise
Buttons featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Button Types
Parallax featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Cool Parallax
Particle Emitter featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Particle Art
Progress Bar with percentage featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Patterned Progress
Sprite featured on CodePen for the Canvas made with ZIM JavaScript HTML Canvas Interactive Media Framework powered by CreateJS - ZIMjs
Easy Sprites