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<title>ZIM BITS - ZIM Shapes</title>

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<!-- Founded by Inventor Dan Zen - http://danzen.com - Canadian New Media Award Winner 	-->
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// scaling can have values as follows with full being the default
// FIT	sets canvas and stage to dimensions and scales to fit inside window size
// FILL	sets canvas and stage to dimensions and scales to fit outside window size
// FULL	sets stage to window size with no scaling
// "tagID"	add canvas to HTML tag of ID - set to dimensions if provided - no scaling

const scaling = FIT; // this will resize to fit inside the screen dimensions
const width = 1000;
const height = 800;
const color = dark; // or any HTML color such as "violet" or "#333333"
const outerColor = light;

new Frame(scaling, width, height, color, outerColor, ready);
function ready() {
	// given F (Frame), S (Stage), W (width), H (height)

	// ZIM BITS - ZIM Shapes (2016 - updated 2022)

	// CreateJS has a Shape class and drawRect(), drawCircle() methods
	// but these require a few steps so ZIM wraps these steps for us

	// 1. make the shape with Rectangle(), Circle(), Triangle()
	// 2. add the shapes to the stage with S.addChild() - or add to some other container
	// 3. position the shape with x and y properties, set alpha, etc.
	// 4. Rectangles have their registration point at the top left - so maybe center the reg

	const circle = new Circle(50, green, pink, 5) // radius, color, borderColor, borderWidth
		.loc(200, 200);

	const rectangle = new Rectangle(80, 80, blue) // width, height, color

	// rectangle.center(); // centers and adds to container (stage in this case)

	const triangle = new Triangle(100, 100, 100, red) // side lengths, color
		.pos(150, 200, RIGHT, BOTTOM); // 150 from right and 200 from bottom
	triangle.color = pink; // you can set color and border properties like so if you want
	triangle.borderColor = green;
	triangle.borderWidth = 5;


	// ZIM shapes are actually containers with a CreateJS Shape drawn inside them
	// ZIM shapes have width and height properties but CreateJS shapes do not
	// ZIM Circle has its registration point automatically in the middle
	// ZIM Triangle has its registration point in a weighted middle
	// NOTE: if you want no fill then set the color to "rgba(0,0,0,0)" or use the clear color
	// these shapes can have their color property dynamically set
	// of course other properties like alpha, scaleX, scaleY, rotation also work
	// you can drag the shapes with circle.drag(), etc.
	// circle.drag();
	// use shape.centerReg() to center the registration point in the shape
	// use circle.outline(), etc. to see bounds, internal origin and registration

	// circle.outline(); // outline only outlines once when it is called
	// rectangle.outline();
	// triangle.outline();

	// you can use ZIM Grid to help place shapes
	// press the G to hide grid and use P to toggle pixels or percent
	// new Grid(S, "#ddd", true); // container, color, pixels
	// or use circle.place("circle") to drag and drop then see the position in the console

	// you can animate properties of shapes animate();
	// circle.animate({scale:1.5}, .7); // increase scale in .7 seconds

	// you can let people transform shapes with circle.transform();

	const docItems = "Frame,Circle,Rectangle,Triangle,drag,transform,animate,pos,sca,outline,centerReg,center,place,Grid,zog";
	makeFooter(S, W, H, null, docItems); // ZIM BITS footer - you will not need this

} // end of ready


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no" />


<!-- canvas with id="myCanvas" is made by zim Frame -->