<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>ZIM BITS - Preload Images and Sound</title>

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<!-- ZIM runs on the HTML Canvas powered by JavaScript and CreateJS https://createjs.com -->
<!-- Founded by Inventor Dan Zen - http://danzen.com - Canadian New Media Award Winner 	-->
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<script src="https://zimjs.org/cdn/1.3.4/createjs.js"></script>
<script src="https://zimjs.org/cdn/01/zim_min.js"></script>
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<script src="https://zimjs.com/bits/footer10.js"></script><!-- you will not need this -->


// scaling can have values as follows with full being the default
// FIT	sets canvas and stage to dimensions and scales to fit inside window size
// FILL	sets canvas and stage to dimensions and scales to fit outside window size
// FULL	sets stage to window size with no scaling
// "tagID"	add canvas to HTML tag of ID - set to dimensions if provided - no scaling

const scaling = FIT; // this will resize to fit inside the screen dimensions
const width = 1000;
const height = 800;
const color = darker;
const outerColor = dark;

// 1. prepare files and path to load with Frame
const assets = ["zim_promo.jpg", "welcome.mp3"];
const path = "assets/";
// 2. prepare a Waiter to show assets are loading - alternatively, can use a ProgressBar()
const waiter = new Waiter();

// 3. call Frame and set a ready event to start your app's main function
new Frame(scaling, width, height, color, outerColor, ready, assets, path, waiter);
function ready() {
	// given F (Frame), S (Stage), W (width), H (height)

	// ZIM BITS - Preload Images and Sound (2016 - updated 2022)

	// NOTE: the ZIM code just wraps the CreateJS PreloadJS code
	// so all the work was done by the CreateJS Team
	// the code can be found in the ZIM Templates
	// templateload.html and templateloadprogress.html

	// to show a graphic on the canvas we use createjs.Bitmap()
	// but we should preload the graphic and monitor the loading process before we use it
	// you may want to start your app once certain assets load instead of waiting for all
	// but usually, it works out okay to wait for your assets and then start the app

	// NOTE: In Chrome you will get security errors when running the html file locally
	// when you bring in sound and images and then apply click events (Firefox does not care)
	// it is fine in a server but here is how you can fix this for testing local files
	// use command line flags: // https://www.chromium.org/for-testers/command-line-flags

	// ON PC - quit any open Chrome browsers
	// find your Chrome shortcut, right click to properties and in the target field
	// add the following command line flag after the final quotes - for example:
	// "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --allow-file-access-from-files

	// ON MAC - quit any open Chrome browsers
	// Quit any running instance of chrome.
	// Launch /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app
	// At the command prompt enter:
	// /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --allow-file-access-from-files

	// below is the code from the ZIM Load template broken down into steps

	// asset() can be used without preloading - but preloading is still recommended

	// 1. prepare files and path to load with Frame
	// 2. prepare a Waiter to show assets are loading - alternatively, can use a ProgressBar()
	// 3. call Frame and set a ready event to start your app's main function
	// 4. in your app function use new Pic(file) to access an image
	// 5. or use new Aud(file).play() to play a sound - must interact before playing the first sound

	// 4. in your app function use new Pic(file) to access an image
	// 5. or use new Aud(file).play() to play a sound - must interact before playing the first sound
	// if you want to adjust volume, etc. then assign this to a variable
	// const sound = new Aud("welcome.mp3").play({volume:2, loop:true});
	// or after with property of the return object of play() - a CreateJS AbstractSoundInstance
	// sound.volume = .5;	
	const sound = new Aud("welcome.mp3");
	const image = new Pic("zim_promo.jpg")
		// here we will center the image, fade it in and make it click to a URL
		.center() // centers and adds to container (the stage in this case)
		.animate({obj:{alpha:0}, time:4, from:true})
		.tap(function() {

	const docItems = "Frame,Bitmap,Waiter,tap,animate,cur,center,zog";
	makeFooter(S, W, H, null, docItems); // ZIM BITS footer - you will not need this

} // end of ready


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no" />


<!-- canvas with id="myCanvas" is made by zim Frame -->