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<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>ZIM BITS - Pop Up Windows</title>

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// scaling can have values as follows with full being the default
// FIT	sets canvas and stage to dimensions and scales to fit inside window size
// FILL	sets canvas and stage to dimensions and scales to fit outside window size
// FULL	sets stage to window size with no scaling
// "tagID"	add canvas to HTML tag of ID - set to dimensions if provided - no scaling

const scaling = FIT; // this will resize to fit inside the screen dimensions
const width = 1000;
const height = 800;
const color = dark; // or any HTML color such as "violet" or "#333333"
const outerColor = light;

new Frame(scaling, width, height, color, outerColor, ready);
function ready() {
	// given F (Frame), S (Stage), W (width), H (height)

	// ZIM BITS - Pop Up Windows (2016 - updated 2022)

	// pop up windows are handy for alerts and interface buttons
	// you should avoid JavaScript alert() as these give a lazy feeling to your app
	// ZIM Build provides a Pane class as one of its components
	// you can add a message (label) as well as anything else you want
	// you can set the pane dimensions, draggable, modal, etc. (see docs)

	// 1. make a zim.Pane() passing container dimensions and label
	// 2. show() the pane when you want to see it
	// 3. add a close event if you want something to happen when the pane closes
	// 4. customize your pane with content if you want

	// 1. make a pane
	const pane = new Pane(500, 200, "SIMPLE MESSAGE")

		// 2. show the pane - click off the pane to close it (unless modal is false)
		.show(); // CHAINING show()

	// here we make a button to open a second pane
	const showButton = new Button(140,60,"POP")
		.tap(function() {paneDrag.show();});

	// 3. can add a close event - here we will animate in the button after a half second delay
	pane.on("close", function(){
		showButton.animate({alpha:1}, 1, null, null, null, .5)

	// 4. here we customize a pane by adding its own close button
	// we set the modal to false so we have to use the close button
	// you can add anything you want to the pane - note, its origin is in the center
	// here we also use some more parameters and pass in a ZIM Label
	// width, height, label, backingColor, backingRollColor, borderColor, borderWidth, corner, shadowColor, shadowBlur, buttonPadding
	const closeBut = new Button(41,41,"X","black","#444","white","2",5);
	const label = new Label("DRAG MESSAGE", 30, "Courier", white);
	// width, height, content, backgroundColor, color, draggable,
	const paneDrag = new Pane({
	paneDrag.x = 400; paneDrag.y = 200;
	closeBut.x = 136; closeBut.y = -130;

	// Pane is one of the ZIM Components along with
	// Label, Button, RadioButton, CheckBox, Slider, Waiter and Stepper
	// along with the ZIM Shapes, these are the main part of the ZIM Build module
	// There is also a callback function that can be passed into show() 
	// to call a function when the pane is closed

	const docItems = "Frame,Label,Button,Pane,tap,animate,alp,center,zog";
	makeFooter(S, W, H, null, docItems); // ZIM BITS footer - you will not need this

} // end of ready


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no" />


<!-- canvas with id="myCanvas" is made by zim Frame -->