StageGL(canvasID, options, touch, singleTouch)
StageGL zim class - extends a zim.Stage which extends a createjs.Stage DESCRIPTION An extension of a zim.Stage for WebGL support See ZIM Stage and NOTE as of ZIM 5.5.0 the zim namespace is no longer required (unless zns is set to true before running zim) EXAMPLE
const stage = new StageGL("canvasID", {preserveBuffer:true, antialias:true});
PARAMETERS canvasID - (default null) string ID for canvas tag options - (default null) an object literal with the following properties    FROM preserveBuffer (default false)    If true, the canvas is NOT auto-cleared by WebGL (the spec discourages setting this to true). This is useful if you want persistent draw effects.    antialias (default false)       Specifies whether or not the browser's WebGL implementation should try to perform anti-aliasing. This will also enable linear pixel sampling on power-of-two textures (smoother images).    transparent (default false)       If true, the canvas is transparent. This is very expensive, and should be used with caution.    premultiply (default false)       Alters color handling. If true, this assumes the shader must account for pre-multiplied alpha. This can help avoid visual halo effects with some assets, but may also cause problems with other assets.    autoPurge (default 1200)        How often the system should automatically dump unused textures with purgeTextures(autoPurge) every autoPurge/2 draws. See purgeTextures for more information. touch - (default false) set to true for touch on mobile    will be multitouch unless singleTouch is set to true singleTouch - (default false) set to true for single touch    will override touch setting and turn touch to true but with single touch METHODS loop(call, reverse, step, start, end) - see the ZIM Display Methods loop() for details     see the ZIM Display Methods loop() for details hitTestGrid(width, height, cols, rows, x, y, offsetX, offsetY, spacingX, spacingY, local, type)    see the ZIM Display Methods hitTestGrid() for details disposeAllChildren() - remove and dispose all children See the CreateJS Easel Docs for StageGL methods: PROPERTIES frame - if made with ZIM Frame then frame points to the frame that made the stage type - holds the class name as a String width - read only width set by ZIM Frame height - read only height set by ZIM Frame See the CreateJS Easel Docs for Stage properties: Note: also makes a partial zdf allowing to work but will be overwritten if an actual Frame is made EVENTS See the CreateJS Easel Docs for StageGL events, such as: mouseenter, mouseleave, stagemousedown, stagemousemove, stagemouseup, drawstart, drawend, etc. and all the Container events such as: click, dblclick, mousedown, mouseout, mouseover, pressdown (ZIM), pressmove, pressup, removed, rollout, rollover CODE ▤TOUR😊VIDS