ZIM Badge for CardBADGE - CARD

MAKE THIS - See Instructions Below

Make a cake with a candle. The candle and flame should animate down to the cake. Press the flame to stop the animation! If the flame reaches the cake then remove the flame - boo. Below are some hints if you need them!
1. Use LabelOnArc() for the text with a size of 40 and radius of 500.
2. The flame is a Blob with interactive:false. Here are the points: [[-7.7,-97.2,0,0,7.4,78.4,52.8,64.4,"free"],[0,100,0,0,71,0,-71,0,"mirror"]].
3. We removeFrom() the flame and made an Emitter startPaused:true spurt(30) on flame mousedown and used stopAnimate() to stop all animation.